Friday, September 20, 2013

Summer's Almost Gone...

I've officially started school and can I say, never has it been more difficult. The anxiety of seeing crushes whom you embarrassed yourself in front of, SATs, AP classes and being in a building filled with the sickly-sweet smell of teenage angst is slowly getting to my head. However, I am surviving! Here are some of my outfits from the past week:
My style changes dramatically throughout the week! I find it fun and entertaining to have a different theme everyday; it makes the whole day better when I have an outfit that I enjoy and feel comfortable in. ...But it can be quite difficult walking from the basement of my school to the 4th floor in tall platforms. As they say, fashion is sometimes pain and there is a sacrifice involved sometimes to wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt. Here's some of my overall fall inspiration:
(All photos from tumblr)

Summer's Almost Gone...

Live Long...&Prosper

Me with the members of the Five Year Mission

Yes! Star Trek! Exciting! This is a super duper late post and for that I apologize. At the beginning of August, I attended Chicago's Comic Con...obviously not as huge & extravagant as San Diego's but hey, I had such a fun time! I've recently become obsessed with the Original Series of Star I knew that Comic Con was the place to satisfy my sci-fi geek needs. Obviously, I dressed as TOS Uhura, because...well...she's too amazing not to cosplay, am I right? 
The whole day was so much fun! It was amazing seeing all of the costumes that people wore...I mean, some of them were intense!!! And did I mention the tons of people dressed up as various Doctor Whos? It made me so happy to be in a place filled with people who all have similar interests...geeks are the best type of people, trust me. Concerning the convention space it was hugeeee and there were numberless vendors selling everything from comic books to Steampunk corsets. However, I only bought a few things, including sequels to some of the current comics I've been reading and various anime knick-knacks. 
Blogging about this now, it makes me happy remembering the Con but also sad, because well...I NEED MORE GEEK IN MY LIFE, OK??!
P.S. Here is me in a Tardis:

*Live long and Prosper*

Monday, May 6, 2013

Being 16 in the 70s

Yeah, I don't understand why I live in 2013 either. 
All photos by my wonderful sister Dana
Beautiful '70s jumpsuit, bought from Seventh Vintage (who is amazing and perfect and so much more)


"You're 16...You're Beautiful...and You're Mine"

So....I'm finally 16~! Yesterday was my birthday, and it was one of the greatest birthdays that I've ever had. It's odd, because I don't feel much different...but I've pledged to start acting more mature (as in not being a total freak in public). Anyways, yesterday was great and the people that I love treated me to an amazing time.
Birthday Haiku from my sister

My parents took me out for dinner at the John Hancock building...I was so surprised! We had a great seat that overlooked the city...and the food was AMAZING.
Earl Grey Crème brûlée- "Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Dylon"

Overall, it was an amazing day(and weekend)! The day made me sort of sad in a way, because such a special occasion can only come once in one's life...Time passes so quickly, too! Nonetheless, I'm happy that I can finally sing along to this song:

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Photos taken by my sister Dana
These photos were taken last summer(I believe my face has changed quite a bit, but I guess that's just my judgement.).My mood changes a lot with what I were: sometimes I feel like being girly and doll-ish, while other time I like to dress in a less childish way. I've been obsessed with CocoRosie lately, and this version of Fairy Paradise is everything I would ever want in a song...x

Feeding Flowers

To sleep is to die.
To die is to rot.
To rot is to feed the flowers.
To feed the flowers with rot
is to create something beautiful
and to be born anew. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Thom Browne Fall 2013 Ready-to-Wear: Fantasy Garden

I truly believe that there is nothing to dislike about Thom Browne's fall 2013 collection. Not only were the designs amazing, but there was also a huge theatrical aspect behind the designs; the clothing told a story that was both beautiful and strangely mysterious, leaving you wanting more. I always love a touch of the mystical, which is basically the definition of one of my favorite shows, like John Galliano's Fall 2009 collection. Anyways, with it's constant rose buds, boxy shapes and overall beautiful designs, I will now appoint Thom Browne to create my own personal dream world, filled with dark beauty.
I love the cinched waists and almost pannier-ed hips
 I love the doll-like, almost geisha-like makeup, with the rouged lips and cheeks and the pale skin. It adds a great contrast of color to the more monotone ensembles (along with the rose embroidered stockings) and works perfectly with the red ones. I think that there's so much to look at in one single outfit, that this show wouldn't leave the audience feeling bored or make the runway seem repetitive. Every model has a different expression and something different to wear that makes me want to just stare at these runway photos...if only I could have been there....I would've gotten goosebumps.
All photos from